Old Tree Daiwan Bee | Taiwanese in London

June 14, 2014

This Taiwanese Cafe is a recent discovery and whilst I haven't been to Taiwan before, I have a feeling that the food here is pretty authentic. The customers are all Chinese on both occasions that we've been here. Old tree daiwan bee is located just on the outsides of main Chinatown so it's easy to miss.

Tay Do | Vietnamese in Shoreditch

June 13, 2014

I've been to 3 restaurants along the famous Kingsland road stretch, where a lot of the Vietnamese restaurants are cluttered together. Tay Do is the frequented and preferred one by my friend Adrenaline G. I'd been once in 2006 so this is my second visit.

The Love Shake | Bar in Shoreditch

June 12, 2014

I met up with my friend Adrenaline G on Friday night for a catch up, and we ended up in The Love Shake bar after dinner. Adrenaline G knew the owners and suggested we go there to carry on nattering and I liked the look of the place from the outside.

FCB Coffee | Best Coffee in London?

June 11, 2014

I never used to be much of a coffee drinker, and on the odd occasions that I did in the past, it would be milky, full of sugar and usually in the form of Nescafe instant coffee (gold blend) or a frappuccino from Starbucks.

Macarons [2013]

June 05, 2014

2013 was an extremely busy year and I didn't have much time to make macarons. However, I did manage to get a brilliant photo shoot of my rainbow macarons by our good friend DW (check out his site that my husband designed) which I am super proud of.

Okonomiyaki Recipe

Last night, we had an okonomiyaki dinner party. Mr Cheeky bought loads of okonomiyaki kits back from his Japan travels and was generous enough (as always) to share it with us. C&T hosted the party and supplied the other ingredients, I offered the cooking and Miss Egyptian Queen offered to do the okonomiyaki mixing!

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